3 uses for rosemary beauty

Beyond deodorizing your home, cooled rosemary infusion can fight hair loss. According to this study, rosemary helps with hair growth. This natural treatment strengthens the hair fiber. Don’t forget to filter the water before preparing this toning lotion  and pour it into a bottle fitted with a sprayer. Apply this remedy to the scalp using circular movements with your fingertips. To see conclusive results, adopt this ritual 3 times a week for a month.

Anti-acne and blackheads

If this plant composed of sprigs is a beauty ally, it is because it is rich in antioxidants which fight against premature skin aging. Likewise, according to a study, it helps reduce inflammation caused by facial acne. You can prepare a formidable anti-acne lotion by putting a sprig of rosemary in a saucepan filled with a quarter cup of water. Let it boil, then let this preparation cool and pour everything into a bottle fitted with a sprayer. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to this solution. After cleansing your face , apply this mixture to acne-prone areas of your skin.

Exfoliate the feet

This plant that stimulates hair growth is one of the best aromatic plants that can exfoliate your feet and reduce bacteria, which causes bad odors. Rosemary can also eliminate corn for smooth, soft feet. To benefit from it, mix brown sugar, 10 drops of rosemary essential oil and a pinch of salt. Use this preparation as a scrub after a foot bath in lukewarm water. Your skin will be smooth,  free of dead skin  and various impurities without going to the beauty salon.

Effective ingredient against dry feet - source: spm

Effective ingredient against dry feet – Source: spm

Beyond having many health benefits, rosemary also has many cosmetic benefits for hair and much more. An infusion of this plant that can be used as a tonic is an unstoppable beauty ally.

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