9 things you should never plug into a power strip

6. The coffee maker

The same as for the microwave. You might think that a small machine like a coffee maker consumes nothing. In reality, it consumes quite a bit of electricity, with an estimated consumption of 165 kWh/year. So plug this device into a wall outlet.

7. The toaster

Do you toast buns every morning? This means that you consume between 500 and 1000 W per year! Yes, that’s a lot for such a small device. All this to tell you that you should avoid plugging it into a power strip.

8. Other extension cable

Do you have a lot of electrical devices to plug in? Then use several extension cords connected together. Very, very bad idea! In this way the maximum authorized power of the power strip can be exceeded very quickly.

These types of bad practices are also the cause of many home fires!

9. The internet box, computer and television

Thus, the Internet box, the computer and the television do not consume much electricity. On the other hand, these devices are especially sensitive to any electrical problem (surge, etc.).

Therefore, avoid plugging them into a power strip or equip yourself with a surge protector.

Conclusion There you have it; Now you know which electrical devices you should not plug into a power strip.

Although fortunately the chances of fire are quite low, better safe than sorry! Because the risks of overheating are real. To a good understander…

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