The 5 most effective remedies to eliminate blackheads in a fraction of time.

Among the most common aesthetic problems that we have to face, we undoubtedly find   blackheads   . They mainly form on the forehead, nose and chin and can be difficult to remove.

These are dead cells that mix with facial sebum and oxidize, taking on a dark color. Although I think black spots are directly associated with acne, they form a cause of yesterday’s skin.

We have ready   five effective remedies to eliminate blackheads at home   without resorting to trusted treatments.

Nettoyage du visage   . Adopting a facial cleansing routine is essential to prevent the formation of blackheads. Excess perspiration and abuse of cosmetic products can promote the appearance of blackheads.

Vapeur   . The best time to remove blackheads is after a steam bath. Boil a liter of water with a pinch of chamomile and romaine lettuce, then expose your face to the vapeur in faisant care de ne pas vous brûler. To remove blackheads, apply gentle pressure. Repeat three days per week.

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