This homemade mouthwash reduces plaque and takes care of your teeth and gums

Poor oral hygiene can have several repercussions on the health of teeth and gums. In fact, not brushing your teeth regularly and consuming a lot of sugary foods, among other things, can promote the formation of dental plaque which in turn can cause more serious dental problems. So how can you prevent and eliminate dental plaque naturally?

Dental plaque is a kind of whitish film that forms on the teeth and gums after meals. Its appearance is most natural after eating and can be eliminated through regular brushing.

Dental plaque is made up of toxins, salivary proteins and food residue. When the subject neglects their oral hygiene, dental plaque accumulates significantly on the teeth and can over time calcify, thus causing the appearance of tartar. Solid deposits that settle on the tooth and sometimes even the gum and which constitute a more serious problem.

What are the causes and consequences of dental plaque?
As with cavities, the main cause of dental plaque is poor oral hygiene, more specifically the lack of daily brushing.

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