The secret to weight loss: refreshing yogurt and cucumber recipe

Have you ever wondered for a simple and delicious recipe that could help you lose weight? Discover the secret that many have missed: a light and tasty yogurt and cucumber dish, perfect at any time of the day. This refreshing recipe combines the hydrating power of cucumber with the creamy texture of Greek yogurt to create a meal that is both filling and beneficial for weight management.


2 cucumbers,  thinly sliced
Salt,  to taste
Green onion,  finely chopped
Fresh dill,  chopped
Juice of half a lemon
Black pepper,  to taste
Paprika,  to taste
150 grams of Greek yogurt
Slices of bread  toasted dry in a pan without oil


Prepare the cucumbers:
Thinly slice the cucumbers and place them in a mixing bowl. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt to extract the water and enhance their flavor. Let them sit for a few minutes.
Mix the vinaigrette:
In another bowl, mix the Greek yogurt with the juice of half a lemon for a tangy base.
Stir in finely chopped green onions and fresh dill for added freshness and flavor.
Season the mixture with black pepper, paprika and additional salt if necessary.
Pour the seasoned yogurt over the cucumber slices. Toss gently to ensure all slices are evenly coated.
Refrigerate at least 10 minutes to allow flavors to meld.
Toast the bread:
Toast the bread slices in a dry pan until golden and crisp, providing a crisp base for the topping.
Assemble and serve:
Serve the pickled cucumber and yogurt mixture on the toasted bread slices, creating an open-faced sandwich that is both nutritious and delicious.


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