Pineapple, Lemon and Ginger Fat Burning Juice

Let’s talk about the ingredients of this magical drink, you should know that the detailed quantities are at the end of the recipe sheet.

Pineapple   is an exotic fruit rich in minerals, vitamins and especially fiber and bromelain, an enzyme that promotes digestion and can help prevent indigestion and bloating. Which makes it an excellent fat burner.

Note that this will add only 13 calories to this drink (Yes, you read that correctly!)

In addition, pineapples provide antioxidants and vitamin C, which help repair muscles and tissues and increase energy.

Lemon    helps promote the activity of a liver enzyme that converts toxic and harmful substances into less aggressive chemicals (through the liver via a compound called d-limonene  ).

It prevents the accumulation of toxins and the formation of fats in the body, its consumption and is effective in detoxifying the body and losing weight.

Lemon, like pineapple, is full of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C keeps skin radiant and youthful by helping to increase collagen levels, which helps keep skin elastic.

Ingredients of pineapple and lemon juice.


Ginger   is a natural anti-inflammatory and a good slimming ally. It is capable of neutralizing free radicals, chemicals that can pass through the body and damage healthy cells.

Continued on the next page

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