Why is it smart to put a clove of garlic in front of the house? It gets rid of a major problem.

Who doesn’t have a phobia of at least one insect?

Spiders, cockroaches, mosquitoes… Happy if you don’t! However, behind this phobia, which sometimes takes on scandalous proportions, hides a real fear and a natural reflex.

It is best to protect yourself from pests both for your health and for the hygiene of the house. Among the tips to keep bugs away, garlic occupies a small place in the top 10 natural repellents.

Source: spm

How to keep indoor and other insects away from the house and garden with just garlic and some plants?

Known forever, garlic is the fundamental element of Italian and Mediterranean gastronomy to enhance the flavor of dishes.

Its repulsive properties have not gone unnoticed either: its strong and acrid flavor drives away the most persistent. From there to “turning the weapon” against the insects that colonize the house there is only one step, taken a long time ago.

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