Lemon Muffins: An Ode to Lemon Gourmet

Pastry is an art of finesse, precision, but also imagination. And when it comes to imagination, how can we not think of the delights that can be created with lemon? This citrus fruit, known for its liveliness and freshness, has the exceptional power to transform an ordinary recipe into a memorable taste experience.

Lemon muffins are the epitome of that magic. With their sweetness balanced by the tangy acidity of lemon, they promise an explosion of flavors in every bite. But that’s not all ! The addition of poppy seeds not only provides a nice visual contrast with the pale yellow color of the muffins, but also a slight crunch that contrasts wonderfully with the softness of the cake.

These muffins evoke sunny afternoons, garden tables decorated with patterned tablecloths, laughter with friends and moments when time seems to stand still, when only the simple pleasure of enjoying a homemade pastry counts. They are the perfect accompaniment to a cup of green tea or light coffee, and are suitable for both special occasions and impromptu snacks.

The recipe that I am going to share with you today is the result of numerous experiments. It aims to capture the very essence of lemon, while ensuring a perfect balance between sugar, acidity and texture. Follow me on this pastry adventure, and discover how to make these delicious muffins that will delight your taste buds and those of your guests.

Ingredients for 12 muffins:
300 g of flour
250 ml of milk
100 g of caster sugar 75 g
of butter
2 eggs
1 untreated lemon
1 sachet of baking powder
2 teaspoons of poppy seeds
1 pinch of salt
The rest on next page

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