This is what it means if you find a penny stuck in your car door handle.

The strange case of the penny in the car door handle

Have you ever experienced that strange and somewhat disconcerting moment when you walk up to your car and discover a penny stuck in the door handle? This seemingly random phenomenon has left many people perplexed, wondering if it is a strange coincidence or if it has some special meaning.

Turns out it’s a sneaky trick of car thieves. Hold on tight, because it’s time to reveal the secrets of this cunning ruse and learn how to outwit those pesky car thieves. Get ready; We’re about to become DIY car safety experts!

The sneaky penny trick

Clever car thieves slip small coins into the door handle, often choosing the passenger side.

But why the passenger side door handle? Here’s the explanation: when you try to use your key for the central locking, it fails miserably. Because ? This innocent penny has blocked the passenger side door, acting as a small obstacle, frustrating his attempts to properly secure his vehicle.

Continued on the next page

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