How to keep cockroaches away from the kitchen: the only 100% reliable remedy

Removing cockroaches from the kitchen is not a simple process, but there are methods and techniques to eliminate the problem effectively. So this is what you should do.

Cockroaches Cockroaches
are an extremely annoying problem that can quickly take over your kitchen if not caught in time. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

There are several ways to repel cockroaches from the kitchen with a certain degree of effectiveness and without the use of harsh chemicals. _ _ _ _ _ _

Methods to keep cockroaches out of the kitchen _ _
The first thing to do is clean well and eliminate all possible food sources, cockroaches are more difficult to move _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ sometimes They find a constant source of food. food . _ _ _

Be sure to remove any leftovers or crumbs and also place unused food in airtight containers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In addition, it is essential to carry out a deep cleaning with disinfectant products to kill germs. _ _ _ _ _

Another way to keep cockroaches out of your kitchen is to prevent them from entering your home. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Using a seal on all exterior doors is a useful way to limit access. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ While you’re at it, you should also inspect the exterior walls for any cracks or gaps, as these are potential openings for cockroaches. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

If you notice any cracks, sprinkle them with talcum powder to prevent the gold from penetrating. There are also several scientific techniques to repel cockroaches.

The most common thing is to use food bait as bird bait. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This requires you to take containers and fill them with a mixture of corn flour, cane sugar, brewer’s yeast powder, and borax.

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