Don’t throw away your toilet paper rolls! Here are 9 ways to reuse them around the house

The era is recycling, and more and more people are aware that we need to take small and big concrete actions to save our planet. Besides, among everything we can collect to make practical accessories, there are toilet paper rolls.

And yes, these little rolls are made of cardboard, and they have the perfect shape to be transformed into a multitude of items which can, among other things, be used for storage. During this article, we will suggest 9 original ways to reuse them. One of them will definitely suit you.

For example, you can use rolls of toilet paper or paper towels to make a bird feeder, to start seedlings, to make a garage for your child’s toy cars, or various storage accessories for your leftovers. wool, your fabric scraps, and much more.

For inspiration, take a look at these 9 ingenious ways to reuse toilet paper rolls.

1. To feed the birds, this idea is great. Apply peanut (peanut) butter to a roll of toilet paper, roll in the seeds, and insert on a tree branch.

2. Tidy up extension cords and computer wires. Store each thread and rope in a roll of toilet paper and label them.

3. To start seedlings, toilet paper rolls are perfect. Fold over one side, fill with soil, and sow the seeds. Put in a container, and place in the sun.

4. Rolls of toilet paper will prove very practical for rolling up leftover wool or embroidery. They will also allow you to arrange them by color.

5. Don’t spend unnecessarily on gift wrapping. Be original by making them yourself with toilet paper rolls, rope, ribbons, etc.

6. Do you have so many fabric scraps that your sewing room has become a real mess? The storage solution is found in toilet paper rolls.

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