Home advice to remove dental tartar yourself

Tartar is a deposit of dental plaque that can  spoil  your smile and harm your health and social life. Indeed, tartar is a layer adhered to the teeth and gums that does not disappear with brushing and causes   gum disease  , cavities, tooth loss and bad breath. Dental scaling is a medical procedure that must be performed by a dentist, but before getting to this step, here are some  tips to remove tartar and prevent it  .

What is dental tartar?

Tartar is the result of the thickening and calcification of  dental plaque. This is a film that is made up of bacteria and food residue that accumulates on the teeth. Rigorous oral hygiene is enough to eliminate the plaque that forms daily and therefore  prevent the formation of tartar  .

Causes and aggravating factors.

Some people will develop  dental tartar  more easily than others, and this is due to several factors: the composition of saliva, fragile enamel, irregular teeth, hormonal changes (pregnancy, puberty, diabetes, thyroid diseases)… Certain Habits such as excessive consumption of sugary foods and drinks, smoking and coloring drinks such as coffee, black tea and all foods that contain colorants, also promote the deposit of tartar on the teeth. In addition, impeccable food hygiene is necessary to  prevent the formation of dental plaque and tartar  .

The consequences

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