A bay leaf in the refrigerator? My grandmother always did it. Here’s why and how

Other clever uses of bay leaf: In addition to its use in the kitchen and in the refrigerator, bay leaf offers other surprising possibilities. For example, you can prepare an infusion to perfume your entire house. Boil some leaves in a saucepan and diffuse the steam in each room for a captivating aroma.

Equally clever is that you can place bay leaves directly into your vacuum bag to diffuse a pleasant aroma with each use. In addition, by making bags filled with bay leaves and placing them in drawers and closets, you will keep unwanted insects away and, at the same time, you will subtly perfume your clothes and your environment.

Conclusion: In summary, the bay leaf is much more than a simple aromatic plant. From its leaves to its intoxicating aroma, it offers a multitude of benefits for the kitchen and home. By exploiting its virtues in a creative way you can improve your daily life in a natural and effective way.

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