Baking soda when washing: Not only does it act as a fabric softener, but it can also treat stains

In a world where information abounds, it is crucial to be able to filter and organize media effectively to quickly access what is most important. Whether you’re searching for images, videos, or documents, mastering filtering tools can save you valuable time.

Filter by type The first step to simplify your media management is to sort by type. You can easily categorize your files into images, videos, documents, and more. This feature allows you to focus only on the type of media you are looking for, making browsing much smoother.

Filter by date Another important aspect is being able to filter media by date. Imagine you are searching for a specific document or an image taken during a specific event. With this feature, you can restrict your results to a specific date range, allowing you to quickly find the content you want without having to sift through a long list of files.

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