Because so many people have started putting them together, once you see the result you will often see

All you have to do is take a bowl and put these two ingredients in the appropriate doses. Let’s know the exact procedure to obtain a miraculous mixture and what it can be used for, in addition to removing stains and burnt spots from the bottom of the pots. Here you have all the details about it.

The mixture of Coca Cola and dish soap: cleans the bottom of the pans, but not only.
To make the mixture, you will need to mix a glass of Coca Cola and a glass of dish detergent in a bowl. Therefore, in a separate container you should put half a glass of water, a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of baking soda. Again, you will need to mix the mixture well. In another clean container, now mix the two solutions. You will have obtained the “definitive” mixture.


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