Delicious sugar-free and gluten-free cake, perfect for a snack

If you are looking for a sweet and healthy option for your snack, you are in the right place. In this article we will guide you in preparing a delicious sugar-free and gluten-free cake. This recipe is perfect for those who follow a sugar-free diet or have a gluten intolerance. Without further ado, let’s start discovering how to prepare this delicious cake.

The necessary ingredients

First of all, make sure you have all the ingredients on hand. This is what you need:

  1. 4 eggs
  2. 150 g rice flour
  3. 150 g cornstarch
  4. 1 tablespoon baking powder
  5. 150 ml of lactose-free milk (or vegetable)
  6. 150 ml sunflower seed oil
  7. Vanilla essence to taste
  8. Natural sweetener (stevia, for example) to taste

Preparation steps

Continued on next page

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