Easy and flake-free dessert recipe

Very fine sugar for decorating
The 12 tablespoon cake is a soft dessert, easy and quick to prepare, perfect for a genuine breakfast or for a delicious orange-scented snack, to be dipped in a glass of milk or accompanied with a hot tea.

It is prepared without scales and with very few ingredients (flour, seed oil, sugar, milk and yeast) which are measured out with a simple spoon. Fragrant and with a very soft consistency, this dessert is an excellent base for filling custards, crème anglaise, chocolate or simple fruit jams.

The 12 tablespoon cake can be prepared in different ways: you can replace the cow’s milk with a vegetable drink or water, for a light and delicious watery cake; You can add unsweetened cocoa powder, chocolate chips, raisins, fresh fruit or other flavors, such as lemon zest, cinnamon or vanilla.

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