Gas burners: 1 tablespoon is enough to make them shine again!

Using citric acid for extra shine: In addition to vinegar, citric acid is an ideal ingredient for making gas burners shine. Dissolve 150 grams of citric acid in one liter of boiling water. This solution can be used in two ways to achieve flawless results.

Option 1: Soak: Immerse the burners and grates in the still hot solution. Let them soak before rinsing them.

Option 2: Direct Application: Pour the solution directly onto each burner, rub lightly and let it act for one hour. Then rinse with plenty of water and dry with a cotton cloth to obtain maximum shine.

Conclusion: With these simple but effective methods, you can transform your kitchen from dull to brilliant in no time. By taking the time to regularly clean your gas burners and grills, you will extend their lifespan while maintaining a healthy, hygienic environment in your favorite culinary space.

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