greek yogurt

8. After the fermentation time has passed, you will see that the yogurt has thickened and acquired a characteristic acidic flavor. If you want Greek yogurt, the next step is to drain off the excess whey.

9. Place a colander over a bowl and cover with cheesecloth or cheesecloth. Pour the yogurt into the strainer and let it drain in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or until it reaches the desired consistency. The liquid that escapes is whey.

10. After draining, you will have thick and creamy Greek yogurt ready to eat. You can serve it as is or add fruit, honey, nuts or any other topping of your choice.

Enjoy your homemade Greek yogurt! You can store leftovers in the refrigerator for several days. You can also use a small amount of this yogurt as a starter to prepare your next batch.

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