Healthy cookies without flour or sugar! An energetic dessert recipe

1. Preparation of the base mixture:

  • Start by soaking your conditioning dried fruits in cold water for 15 minutes. This step not only removes preservatives but also activates their beneficial properties.
  • Once soaked, drain the water and mix the dates, dried cranberries and oatmeal until you have a sticky mixture.

2. Add Nutty Goodness:

  • Next, let’s introduce some crunch and nutty flavor! Fry the almonds and peanuts separately in a pan until golden brown.
  • Then chop them finely or grind them in a blender for a more uniform texture. Add these nutty delights to your base mixture and stir well.

3. Sweeten naturally with honey:

  • Rather than resorting to refined sugar, we naturally sweeten our cookies with a touch of honey.
  • Add 15ml of honey to the mixture and make sure it is evenly distributed. Not only does honey provide sweetness, but it also offers a host of health benefits, including antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

4. Make the cookie spheres:

  • Now comes the fun part: shaping our cookie dough! Roll the mixture into small spheres and place them on a silicone mold.
  • Gently flatten each ball to desired thickness. This step forms the basis of our delicious biscuits.

5. Tempting Chocolate Coating:

  • To elevate our cookies to gourmet status, let’s dip them in dark chocolate. Melt 130 gr. of sugar-free dark chocolate in a bain-marie and stir in 20ml of olive oil for a shiny finish.
  • Once melted, carefully dip each cookie into the chocolate mixture, making sure they are fully coated.

6. Decorate with pumpkin seeds:

  • For a finishing touch, sprinkle some pumpkin seeds on the chocolate-covered cookies before they set. Not only do pumpkin seeds add visual appeal, they also provide a delicious crunch and nutritional boost, including magnesium and zinc.

7. Cool for perfect texture:

  • Place your cookies in the refrigerator for 30 to 40 minutes to allow the chocolate coating to set and the flavors to meld.
  • Once cooled, your healthy treat is ready to enjoy!

Conclusion:  And there you have it, a simple but delicious recipe for healthy biscuits without flour or sugar! With wholesome ingredients and irresistible flavors, these energy-packed treats are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth without compromising your health goals. So don’t hesitate any longer, treat yourself without guilt and savor every delicious bite!

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