Here’s why unfaithful husbands don’t leave their wives

Infidelity, hide it or admit it?

If admitting infidelity can provoke unwanted reactions, hiding it can also create a climate of suspicion. Therefore, there is no decision model to follow, it is all a matter of personality.

The man who wants to be sincere above all.

This type of man takes his partner’s feelings into account (even if it is a little late), prefers to recognize his mistake and try to correct it.

The narcissistic man who wants to say anything to make his partner suffer

For this type of man, infidelity is never overlooked, since it does not appear as a weakness but as a weapon to hold the other down and make him suffer.

The man who doesn’t want to say anything.

This type of man chooses to hide his infidelity so as not to make his partner suffer, but also because these adventures allow him to strengthen his self-esteem.
For this last category of men who choose to say nothing and continue in the relationship, here are the reasons behind their decision.

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