How to clean your oven in minutes so that it looks like new

  1. Remove all trays contained inside the oven.
  2. In a container, mix a couple of tablespoons of baking soda with a little water. Try to achieve a consistency that allows you to spread the solution throughout the oven.
  3. Spread the solution ALL over the oven, trying to do it as evenly as possible.
  4. Let the solution act overnight. It takes at least 12 hours for baking soda to work properly.
  5. The next day, remove all the solution using damp cloths.
  6. The time has come to use vinegar: use it as if it were a cleaning product, spread it throughout the oven.
  7. Magically, the places where you have applied the vinegar will become shiny as if you just bought your oven.
  8. Finally, turn on the oven and leave it at a very low temperature, so that it “burns off” any possible residue.

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Source of natural remedy


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