How to reduce wrinkles around the mouth?

Ultrasound is an effective treatment for sagging skin and therefore for wrinkles. If your skin is tightened, wrinkles will fade or at least diminish. The ultrasound will stimulate the fibrolasts responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. This will createtension in the relaxed cellular tissues.

The advantage of ultrasound is that there is no social exclusion like during a surgical facelift.

My advice.

Reducing wrinkles around the mouth naturally is a long-term job, but if you are diligent it is possible. You must also remember to hydrate yourself from the inside, by drinking plenty of water, and adapt your diet by favoring anti-oxidant foods.

Currently I use at home in addition to natural remedies, a device on my entire face but also on my body to fight against sagging skin . This device includes two methods: light therapy and ultrasound.

Since using this method I have reduced the puckering of my lips considerably. For me this was very marked due to having smoked for over 20 years.

For more information on the device I use, click on the link below.

skin-tightening device


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