I am 63 years old. I want to tell you what we ate as children on the streets in the USSR. It grows everywhere, but many people are not aware of its power.

Yesterday my nephew tried larch needles for the first time and he liked it. He reminded me of my childhood and the wild herbs and plants we enjoyed back then.

You can talk a lot about this topic. The first thing that comes to mind is purple weed, which we call watermelons.


It grew along the roads and didn’t bother us at all. We picked it up with dirty hands, blew the dust off and ate it.

And it wasn’t a question of hunger. This is how we discovered the world around us. Have you ever tasted an ice cube or tried to taste a sled in the cold? So we tried everything.

When the lilac and acacia bloomed, we ate their flowers. We were especially looking for lilac flowers with five petals.

We also ate young maple shoots and clover flowers.

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