I couldn’t get enough of these noodles

If you’re accustomed to consistently ordering Lo Mein (noodles tossed in sauce) or Chow Mein (noodles fried until crisp) whenever dining out or getting take-out, it’s time for a change! By utilizing a slow cooker, you can effortlessly create incredibly flavorful and truly authentic Asian noodle dishes, requiring minimal preparation.
Where does Lo Mein come from?
Lo Mein, a beloved dish in Chinese cuisine, has a rich and intriguing history. Its origins can be traced back to the Han Dynasty in China, which existed over 2,000 years ago. During that time, wheat noodles were introduced, and they quickly gained popularity due to their versatility and satisfying texture.

Initially, Lo Mein was prepared by boiling these wheat noodles and then tossing them with various ingredients like vegetables, meat, and sauce. Over the centuries, the dish evolved, incorporating regional variations and unique flavor profiles. Today, Lo Mein has become a staple in Chinese-American cuisine.
Trust me when I say that these homemade meals are equally, if not more, delectable than take-out. Let’s get to the recipe:



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