If you eat garlic and honey on an empty stomach for 7 days, here’s what will happen to your body.

Garlic is a magical plant. In fact it is certainly the best natural antibiotic. When you eat garlic every day, you reap its countless benefits.

In this conference I will first introduce you to the benefits of this extraordinary plant. Then you will discover how to easily prepare this home remedy using garlic and honey.

Warning : Garlic is probably the most unusual plant in the Allium family. It belongs to the same family as onions. It grows easily in many parts of the world. Garlic is widely used as an ingredient in cooking due to its delicious taste and spicy aroma. Not only does it add great flavor to your dishes, but it is also one of the most powerful antibiotics.

It can cure many ailments. Its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antioxidant and antibiotic properties are widely recognized. The nutritional properties of garlic

Garlic cloves have an incredibly high percentage of vitamins and minerals.

Here is what we find in 100 g of garlic as a percentage of the recommended daily dose:
– 95% vitamin B-6
– 38% vitamin C
– 13% iron – 18% calcium
– 80% manganese
– 22% phosphorus




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