Learn how to clean 15 kilos of waste

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Drink ginger tea: Taking ginger tea before going to bed boosts the metabolism and digestive system. A small fresh ginger root in a cup of hot water will do the trick. Consume more potassium: Consuming more potassium in the evening helps reduce belly bloating and promotes intestinal transit. Add coriander to your dishes: Cilantro helps flatten the stomach and aids digestion. Avoid overeating in the evening: It is recommended to stop eating 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. Get physical: Even after a long day at work, try to at least walk for 15 to 20 minutes. Avoid dairy products: Prefer goat’s milk or vegetable milk. Enjoy dark chocolate: With a minimum cocoa content of 70%. Dark chocolate stimulates bacteria useful for digestion.

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Andrew Raposo also recommends a list of foods to have at home because of their nutritional richness: he favored certain foods more than others, here are the different types of foods and their sources of benefits:
For a source of protein: Chicken breast, turkey, beef (do not exceed twice a week), eggs, salmon, fatty fish and seafood. For a source of good fats: Olive oil, avocado, coconut oil, nuts. For a source of carbohydrates: Sweet potato, Quinoa. For a source of vitamins and minerals: Fruits and vegetables. In addition to these tips, here is a slimming and relaxing recipe to enjoy before sleeping: Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of organic honey 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 1 cup of boiling water In the cup of hot water, add the honey and cinnamon and mix well. Drink this mixture before sleeping and get rid of your excess pounds. Benefits of the ingredients in the recipe for weight loss: Honey: it is known for its many antitoxic and healing properties. Honey is also effective against fat loss during sleep. It contributes to good digestion by eliminating waste. In this way it prevents the accumulation of fat.



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