Military Diet: Eliminate 3 Kilos in 3 Days With This Program (Complete Menu)

The boiled egg diet is a diet that is followed for a very short time (two weeks) and that only offers low-calorie menus (at a rate of 800 to 1000 calories ingested during the day).

Composed mainly of hard-boiled eggs, as its name suggests, there are also steamed vegetables, white meats, fish, infusions and citrus fruits to eliminate toxins. But why hard-boiled eggs?

Simply because they are filling and low in calories. Rich in protein, they help avoid the feeling of sluggishness during the day that could occur with low-calorie meals.

The promise of this diet: to make you lose between five and ten kilos in two weeks. Obviously, these figures will depend on the person’s morphology and their sporting activity. However, it is not recommended to follow this diet for more than two weeks.

Hard boiled egg diet

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