Photo of shredded spaghetti-shaped chicken breast

This phenomenon, known as “spaghetti meat”, is believed to be linked to breeding chickens for larger breasts, leading to abnormalities such as woody breast and spaghetti meat.

According to experts, the consumption of this type of meat may not harm humans, but it affects the well-being of chickens, causing discomfort due to their disproportionate bodies.

The demand for white meat has over the years led the poultry industry to produce chickens with proportionately larger breasts. This has raised concerns about animal welfare and meat quality.

Some companies now advocate meat from slower-growing chickens, claiming it results in healthier, more flavorful meat.

Meanwhile, netizens’ reactions ranged from disgust to reflection on the food choices. Some expressed horror at the sight of the noodle-like chicken and questioned the quality of the food provided to them.

Others recommended seeking meat from local butchers or cooperatives for better quality and more humane treatment of animals. Some people have even stated their intention to switch to a vegetarian or pescatarian diet due to concerns about factory farming and animal welfare.

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