Soft nougat: the traditional recipe with tips for preparing it at home

Passaggio 1
To prepare the torrone tenero, start slab mandorla, che dovranno essere tostate in forno prerisaldato, at 120°C, for 25 minutes or until finally browned. Abbreviare abreviare i tempi, potete alzare la temperatura a 180°C e lasciare tostare la mandorla solo per 5 minuti, osservandole per assicurarvi che non scuriscano troppo.

Passaggio 2
A parte montare a neve ben ferme gli albumi e 30 g di zucchero. and stay away.

Passaggio 3
Prepare quindi lo sciroppo: pour the zucchero rimasto in a pentolino on the base spesso, coprite con acqua e fate cuocere a fuoco basso, mescolando spesso. Finally, when the temperature rises to 145°C.

Step 4
Collect the honey in another saucepan, put on the heat and let it caramelize gently, stirring constantly with a spatula, until it reaches a temperature of 125-130°C.

Step 5
At this point, slowly pour the egg whites into the caramelized honey and continue cooking over low heat, stirring constantly until you obtain a slightly dense and foamy mixture.

Step 6
Transfer the honey and egg white mixture to a bowl and add the sugar syrup.

Step 7
Finally add the toasted almonds and incorporate them with a spatula.

see the following pages on the following pagesStep 8
Now place a wafer sheet at the bottom of a square mold about 20 cm on each side, pour the prepared mixture and distribute it evenly.

Step 9
Cover with the second wafer sheet, applying light pressure with your hands to make sure it adheres well. Then let the nougat harden at room temperature for at least 12 hours.

Step 10
Once the resting time has elapsed, carefully unmold the soft nougat and cut it into small pieces, then bring to the table and serve.

Advice :

see the continuation on the next page

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