That’s why you should massage your feet every night before going to bed.

Delving into the often-overlooked realm of bathroom essentials, toilet paper has a rich history stretching from ancient civilizations to today’s luxury accommodations. Understanding its evolution not only sheds light on cultural changes in hygiene, but also introduces us to the refined practices adopted by high-end hotels to ensure that even the smallest details exude elegance and care. Let’s explore the journey of toilet paper and reveal a simple yet sophisticated hotel secret to bring a little luxury to your home bathroom.
The evolution of toilet paper: a brief overview
Ancient beginnings: In ancient Egypt, the wealthy used sea sponges attached to sticks, submerged in salt water for personal hygiene.
Medieval Practices: Europeans in the Middle Ages turned to what were called “fine cloths,” a method that served its purpose but lacked efficiency and comfort.

Eastern luxury: In China, the elite favored the use of handmade rice paper, marking an early example of paper dedicated to hygiene.

The dawn of modernity: Joseph Gayetty introduced the first appearance of contemporary toilet paper in 1857. However, it was not until the 1890s in New York that this invention began to gain widespread acceptance.
The secret of luxury hotels to achieve impeccable toilet paper
The challenge with toilet paper rolls begins once they are opened; They can quickly lose their crisp appearance, become wrinkled and less attractive. Masters of attention to detail, luxury hotels implement a simple but effective technique to maintain the aesthetic and hygienic integrity of toilet paper rolls.
That is how:

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