There is a button on the oven door. Most people have no idea how useful it is

Natural Oven Cleaning:
A dirty oven can be the desperation of any cooking enthusiast. However, there are home remedies that do not require scrubbing the burned surface of the oven. A simple trick to clean the oven glass is to use baking soda.

Mix baking soda with water until it forms a thick paste and then spread it on the oven glass. To enhance the effect, you can also use vinegar by sprinkling it on the dough. Wait until bubbles stop appearing and then wipe with a damp cloth. Baking soda should remove grease and grime effectively.

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Detergent Cleaning:
Although less natural, using detergent may be necessary for tough stains. However, this should not be a daily cleaning method. Ammonia is an effective product, but be sure to take precautions.

Continued on the next page

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