You will no longer see dirt between window cracks with the sponge technique

By applying a ball of yellow soap to the non-abrasive part of the sponge, we will carefully clean the most dirty parts, obtaining a truly satisfactory result.

For the action of the yellow soap to be particularly incisive, it is advisable to immerse the sponge in hot water before rubbing on the fixtures.

Another truly exceptional element for deep cleaning windows and doors is white vinegar, which is capable of cleaning all rooms in the house thanks to its deep degreasing action.

All you have to do is place a glass of white vinegar in a container filled with hot water. Once this is done, a sponge is dipped inside the solution and it is passed over the fixtures. A simple rinse is enough to see how our lights have regained their shine.

Baking soda and Marseille soap perfect for deep cleaning windows and doors
Finally, two other very popular elements for cleaning windows and doors are baking soda and Marseille soap. Add two tablespoons of baking soda to a container with water and mix everything until you have a baking soda paste. This solution, applied to a sponge, will clean the fixtures very well, removing any type of dirt (don’t forget to rinse).

Marseille soap is another excellent remedy to make your lighting fixtures look like new. Also in this case the procedure consists of combining two tablespoons of Marseille soap, suitably grated, in a container with very hot water and then applying the solution obtained to a sponge.

A few coats are enough to thoroughly degrease the fixtures and no longer have to worry about dirt and encrustations.

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