How to reduce wrinkles around the mouth?

Reducing wrinkles around the mouth is possible. I always opt for natural methods first In this article you will find all the possible methods without resorting to cosmetic surgery.

By making a few changes to your lifestyle, and by adopting the different techniques and natural remedies described below, you will be able to considerably reduce deep wrinkles around the mouth.

What causes the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth.

Loss of collagen.

Wrinkles occur when your skin loses collagen . Collagen losses occur naturally with age, meaning that the skin loses 1% of collagen each year from the age of 20. Around the mouth as well as around the eyes, the skin is much thinner than on other parts of the body, so with the loss of collagen, wrinkles appear more quickly in these two areas.


At menopause, skin aging is visible. This is due to the drop in production of estrogen, but also of collagen and elastin and this gives the face a sad and tired appearance. It is proven that the cells of women going through menopause age up to 6% faster than those of premenopausal women.

Lack of sleep causes wrinkles to appear.

Lack of sleep accelerates skin aging . Collagen breaks down much more quickly when you don’t get enough sleep. A UCLA study shows that sleep disorders due to hormonal changes experienced during menopause or premenopause cause an acceleration of skin aging. To avoid the acceleration of collagen loss, you need to sleep on average between 7 and 8 hours per night.

Stress and aging of the skin.

Indeed, psychological stress can have an impact on the skin. The stress hormone cortisol breaks down the elastin and collagen present in your dermis. This has the effect of accelerating the appearance of wrinkles. Stress causes inflammation which prevents the body from repairing visible damage to the skin.

Chronic stress also leads to insulin resistance, which causes higher blood sugar levels. This contributes to a process called glycation which causes a loss of elasticity in the skin and causes wrinkles to appear more quickly.

The sun wrinkles the skin.


Sun exposure is the most common cause of wrinkles. Ultraviolet rays cause the formation of free radicals which damage the elastin and collagen present in the skin and this forms wrinkles . Visible skin changes are 90% due to prolonged exposure to the sun. It is advisable to use a cream with a UV index of at least 30 SPF.


You should know that cigarette smoke contains many chemicals that damage collagen and elastin fibers . In addition, the movement of the muscles that contract when smoking accentuates the wrinkles above the lips . Nicotine also affects the thickness of the skin; the more you smoke, the thinner the skin around the mouth becomes. All substances contained in cigarettes significantly reduce the elasticity of the skin.

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