Panna Cotta au Chocolat: easy and without cooking

Panna Cotta au chocolat, a classic Italian dessert revisited, is a true delight for chocolate fans. This version, easy to prepare and without cooking, is perfect for ceux qui cherchent à Impressionner leurs invités with an elegant and tasty dessert. Panna Cotta, literally meaning “crème cuite” in Italy, is transformed into a chocolate experience, combining the dose of cream and the intensity of cocoa.

At the heart of this recipe is a harmony between the soy texture of the cream and the rich characteristics of the chocolate. The process begins with the preparation of a base of onctueuse cream, mixture of sugar and cold water. The addition of gelatin allows the Panna Cotta to prepare a closed consistency while retaining its consistency. The black chocolate, finely chopped, is ensuite incorporated, fondant in the creamy chaude to create a rich and veloutée Couche.

This dessert is distinguished between its different sofas: a base of cocoa cream, then a pure chocolate sofa and finally a vanilla cream sofa. Every time you sit on the sofa, you see it successively in the glasses and let it cool, thus creating an attractive visual effect. Panna Cotta au chocolat is not only a gustatory pleasure, but also a real gift for children, with its distinct and elegant sofas.

The suite on the next page

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